Welcome to my Author-Direct Book Site

PLEASE NOTE: As of June 20, 2023, due to rising printing costs, Amazon is raising the price of printing on its KDP books. This will impact the pricing on some of the author’s books listed below. If you have thought about getting one of the author’s Amazon KDP-produced books, now might be the time before the price increases.

PLEASE NOTE Also. During 2024, I will be getting more of my books uploaded to Barnes and Noble as hard covers and paperback and as eBooks on Kobo and BnN.

Quick search for books available on Barnes and Noble.

Link to the author’s blog postings since 2009.

If you want to save yourself a few “clicks” you can go to my book page on Amazon here.

Currently Featured Books:

NEW RELEASE January 2024.Islam’s Deception, Lies & False Gospel

NEW RELEASE December 2023. Israel and the Middle East: Will there ever be peace?

   Read the book Amazon refused to offer among its millions of books.

Revelation 18 and the Fate of America (2021 Edition)

eBook on Barnes & Noble here.

Overcoming the Storms of Life

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  • A Blog for books that will strengthen and encourage your Christian faith.
  • A resource for homeschoolers.
  • Books on early American history with a Christian worldview.
  • Devotional books; Bible study books.
  • Comparative religion of Islam & Christianity.
  • Personal library resources.
  • Non-fiction & fiction.

SEE the book links below.


A Champion’s Heart: Qualities for Success in Life & Sport 

(Full-color Devotional/Gift Book; 8 & up)

Hardcover, 128 pp.

Anyone who enjoys playing or watching sports will enjoy this book featuring the testimonies of successful athletes from many different playing fields. These spiritual athletes play to win and live to win. An inspirational and unbeatable combination in the game of life.

For more details or purchase, click here.



Be Pruned: To Bear Fruit That Will Last 

(Bible Study/Devotional, Gift Book in soft or hard cover; 132 pp.)

Amazon price: $13.95 (soft), $26.95 (hard).

PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023):  $12.95 (soft); No Change (hard).

Pruning-masterful pruning-is the most important practice in developing a good or sound tree (vine, shrub, or other plant). Spiritual pruning, the subject of this book, is the most important development process for the growing Christian who desires to be more Christ-like each day. God, the Master Gardener of us all, uses spiritual pruning to bring forth the greatest purpose for which our life was created. As you prune your plants with care to avoid injury, and thus encourage and stimulate maximum growth, function, beauty, and production, so it is God’s intention in our pruning process. This masterful pruning procedure by the Master Gardener (while it may seem painful at times) does not inflict harm or injury upon those He desires to see mature to their fullest potential. This devotional/Bible study book is excellent for small groups or personal reflection and spiritual growth.

5-star Awesome book, easy read but powerful!

For more details or purchase, click here.



Bond Slaves: Confessions of Hard Core Bikers 

(Testimonial/Evangelism; paperback, 201 pp.; $9.95) 

NO PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023)

Since World War I, thousands of returning thrill-seeking war veterans saw themselves as renegade free spirits or “outlaw” bikers or the “one-percenters” – monikers that would later become synonymous with carefree, lawless motorcyclists. Some of these men had come from the death-defying experiences of war and feared nothing. Some road alone; others rode in groups that became organized into gangs or clubs of like-minded road warriors.

Today (2021), over 8.6 million motorcycles are registered in the United States alone, with an estimated millions more riders who do not own a bike but go along for the ride.

This book presents testimonies about God’s grace and sacrificial love, a love that surpasses human understanding. A love that is willing to reach down into the pits of hell to save the lost and the forgotten – the one-percenters. It is about a love so great that it is willing to forgive no matter what a person’s past may have been. God has apparently found some willing servants to go into the dives and hell holes of the biker society and prisons to spread His message of forgiving love to those who are hard to reach or unwilling to be reached by others.

These testimonies will touch your very soul or that of someone you love and, perhaps, change a life forever.

5-star: This book is full of wisdom and inspiring testimonies. definitely a good book if your[sic] looking for inspiration or to be fascinated by how deep God chases after those who are lost. I recommend this book to anyone who is or knows someone whose had some rough times, for anyone that’s looking for a good read or someone who’s just wanting to know more about the love of Christ.

For more details or purchase, click here.



Embracing the Anti-Christ: The Heresy of Interfaith Dialogue 

(Hard cover and paperback, 338 pp.)

Amazon price: $19.95 (hard), $12.95 (paperback)

PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023): $16.95 (paperback); $21.95 (hard)

There is a huge battle raging for the soul of the Church in America and the West and it is being waged against the Church by those within the Church. Many learned people, university scholars and church leaders have been thoroughly duped by the ideology of Islam and by deceiving Islamic leaders. Certainly, many, if not most, Christian leaders and church congregants who are participating in the interfaith dialogue with Muslims firmly believe they are following Christ’s dictate to “love thy neighbor.” However, they are being misguided by false premises in the understanding about Islam and its adherents. Islam is not like other world religious ideologies or doctrines of faith. Other faiths and their followers desire only the freedom and peace to practice their faith. The primary tenets of faith of Islam are quite different. Unlike other religious beliefs, Islam seeks world domination and demands of its followers to achieve that goal by any means necessary, including lying, deceit, infiltration, persecution and murder. While interfaithers’ goals of serving their Muslim neighbor may be genuine and an expression of Christ’s love, they appear oblivious to the weightier matters of the Gospel of Christ.

What a[n] informative read. Well written and excellent purchase. Studying this book is an eye opener. For those who are clueless about Islam and its teachers. The Qur’an … This can be read by Muslims to. Fantastic learning. David Nelson, UK

For more details or purchase, click here.



Hop-A-Long: Abandoned but not Forgotten 

(Christian fiction; 12 & up, paperback, 264 pp.)

Amazon price: $15.99

PRICE DECLINE (June 20, 2023): $12.99

The life story of Hoppy, a troubled and lonely young boy growing up in Muncie, Indiana in the 1950’s and ’60’s. While in a boy’s reformatory at age nine for one too many thefts, his mother succumbs to cancer on his tenth birthday. With the whereabouts of his father unknown and no relatives, he is sent to an orphanage. After four years there he runs away, exchanging the sternness of the institution for the brutality of the streets and a life of drug dealing and theft. Immersed in this captivating life he almost loses his life at age 15 during a drug deal gone bad. His life takes one agonizing twist after another. All along the way, God sows little seeds of faith through those that cross his path. This about the stark reality of life without Christ, yet not without moments of humor and romance along the road to redemption.

For more details or purchase, click here.



I Remember When . . . Growing Up in Post-World War II America 

(Nostalgia; humorous childhood memories; paperback and e-book, 266 pp.) 

Amazon price $12.99

NO PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023)

In growing up in post-World War II America, there seemed to be much less for me and my neighborhood chums to worry about. It was a time when the simple pleasures of life―family, friends, church, sports and the great outdoors―sufficed to keep one’s mind, body and spirit healthily occupied for hours and days at a time. Tis is a reminiscence and often whimsical recall of a different time in America; a time when life seemed slower, more complete―a time when children were allowed to be truly and completely just children without being rushed into adulthood prematurely. The content of each short story, while my memory entirely, is meant to inform with a little piece of history; to entertain with a little bit of humor and to satisfy your yearning for a time gone by.

For more details or purchase, click here


Islam’s Deceptions, Lies & False Gospel

Available in paperback from Barnes and Noble for $11.95; 200pp., 6×9.

The ideology of Islam is rapidly gaining a foothold in every aspect of American life. While Muslims only represent about 1-2 percent of the population in America, their influence is disproportionately seen and felt in America’s politics, educational institutions, justice systems, churches and synagogues, seminaries, small towns and cities. Unfortunately, the real truth about Islam and its objectives in America and the West has been deliberately or ignorantly portrayed in countless false and deceptive narratives that have misled millions of Americans, and Muslims as well, down a dangerous path that could forever change the landscape and foundation of the United States of America. This short book provides an easy-read overview of some of the critical truths about Islam and its ideology that is being hidden from public view. Muslim clerics preach a false gospel that is the antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has led billions astray and away from the true loving God of the Bible who offers salvation and eternal life to all.

This book is a “primer” to the author’s more in depth versions of Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity for everyone who desires to be fully informed about Islam as it compares to Christianity and how to reach the world’s largest unreached people group with the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Israel and the Middle East: Will there ever be peace?

Available in paperback on Barnes and Noble for $9.72 and on Barnes and Noble and Kobo as an eBook for $3.99.

Ever since the tiny nation of Israel was re-established within its Biblically promised homeland, Muslims, principally Arabs, have been trying to annihilate Israel. The hatred for Israel by the Palestinians and Muslims in general, has an ancient history which pre-dates the origins of Islam. In this short, but insightful book, Dr. Gauss ties biblical prophecy to current events in the Middle East and why there will never be peace there until Jesus Christ returns.



Overcoming the Storms of Life 

(Bible Study/Devotional; paperback, e-book, 228 pp.)

Amazon price: $12.95 (paperback), $3.99 (Kindle)

NO PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023)

No one goes through life without a “storm” or two. Everyone experiences hardship, loss, stress, deprivation or some other crisis that impacts or maybe controls their life. With outside influences beyond their control mounting in the current socio-economic, military and terrorist threats, decline in morals, depression and a host of other issues too large to deal with alone, millions are seeking answers and spiritual solace. This book takes the reader through 12 steps or storm preparation and storm survival chapters using biblical teaching to bring forth insight, encouragement and the reality of God’s love. The First Mate’s Study Guide helps to drive home the points made in each chapter; challenging the reader to put biblical principles into practice before, during and after the storms of life.

After knowing intense personal crisis and loss, this author guides his readers through an encounter with Biblical truths. The chapters will inspire a dialogue within you, and hopefully with others as well, because interspersed between each chapter of thoughtful interplay between God’s word and life’s realities are set situational exercises which ask how you would handle particular life dilemmas. I could see using this book for individual devotion, or for a gathering of two people or a small group who read the chapters and then come together for the thought questions and the situational responses. If you have struggles with God’s or life’s fairness and the place of God in it, this book can offer healing and wisdom for the challenges of life.  Pastor Greg S.

For more details or purchase, click here.



Revelation 18 and the fate of America (2021 Edition)

(History and America in Prophecy; paperback, hard cover and e-book, 476 pp.). 

Amazon price: $16.95 (paperback), $24.95 (hard) 

Barnes & Noble eBook for $5.95 here.

Will America survive? That is the question that is becoming more frequent in the minds and on the tongues of Americans at home and abroad and also non-American observers worldwide. Can the United States of America survive the unyielding assaults on its constitution, morals, economy, justice system and religious foundation—not only from without, but also from within its own borders? Can America survive and regain its traditional strength and leadership when its own leaders are becoming more radical and anti-American?

Does America or the concept of it occur in the Bible? Does any prophecy in the Bible speak of America? Is America the new “Babylon the great”?

In Revelation 18 and the Fate of America, Dr. James F. Gauss explores in detail, where America has been, where it is now, and where it is headed based on past and current events, and how the nation is on course to fulfill this End Times prophecy.

America’s survival and re-establishment of its God-ordained greatness will depend on the response of the people of America in general and the Christian church in particular—not ten years from now; not in five years; not even one year from now, but NOW!

This book is a reality check and warning to the Church in America and U.S. citizens about the self-destructive path America is on and what to do about it. A “must read” for every Christian and person concerned about the future survival of the United States of America.

In this updated 2021 Edition, which includes the consequences of the 2020 election, the COVID pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, Dr. Gauss provides sobering evidence of how close America is to self-annihilation and what the Church and nation must do immediately to avoid disaster.

Dr. Gauss has authored a work that has elevated his star as a modern day prophet. There are few books I have read that have held my attention for its entire duration. Every page is filled with pertinent news and information that should wake the church up and fire-up preachers to PREACH! Instead of ho-hum sermons pastors should read Revelation 18 And The Fate Of America 2021 Edition to set the “pews” on fire!

As an evangelist, I am most pleased that Dr. Gauss continually encourages the laity to go out daily verbally witnessing for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (We have forgotten why we are here-to win the lost)! There is hope for America-and His Name is Jesus! 
David L. Cobb, David L. Cobb Evangelistic Assn.

UPDATE:  Amazon refuses to advertise this book for absurd reasons. One for the Books | James F. Gauss’ Blog (wordpress.com)

For more details or purchase, click here.



The Catholic Church and the New Testament (Questions and Answers)

Compact handout on 24 non-biblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church; paperback, 60 pp.

Amazon price: $4.95

PRICE INCREASE (June 20, 2023) to $5.95

There are an estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the world and the Roman Catholic Church has claimed for almost two millennia that it is the only true and legitimate Christian church. However, much of the liturgy and teaching that is presented to the Catholic faithful is based upon centuries of Catholic dogma created by church leaders and not based on sound New Testament scripture.

Is the Roman Catholic Church a New Testament church that is solely founded on Biblical truths and the Word of God? What follows is a series of questions that challenge the credibility of what Catholics are being taught and have been taught for centuries. The answers may perplex you, but hopefully enlighten you to the truth of God’s Word and not the created doctrines of man.

There is no doubt there are millions of Catholics who truly love the Lord Jesus and follow Him. Yet, they run the risk of being spiritually deceived and led astray after false doctrines and edicts that have no foundation in Biblical teaching.

If you are a practicing Roman Catholic or your religious experience has been primarily influenced by the Catholic Church, you will need to decide whom and what to follow: The RCC and its doctrines or Jesus Christ and His Gospel? The faith in the RCC will not guarantee you salvation or eternal life with God. Only a saving faith in Jesus Christ and following Him as your Lord.

Apostle Paul warned the Christians in Colossae, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). His warning is equally germane in today’s church environment.

In this 60-page booklet Dr. Gauss reviews 24 Roman Catholic doctrines that cannot be substantiated through biblical teaching. Condensed and fully packed, this publication is an excellent tool for evangelizing Roman Catholics with the truth of God’s word.

For more details or purchase, click here.



The Catholic Church: Why I Left It  

(Bible Study/Comparative Religion; paperback and e-book; 196 pp.)

Amazon price: $8.95 (paperback), $2.99 (Kindle) 

Also in Spanish

NO PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023)

Are you a Catholic or were you a Catholic? Do you know someone who is Catholic? Then this book could save your spiritual life or their spiritual life. Whether you read this book or not could mean the difference between life and death and heaven or hell. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest denomination of professed believers in Jesus Christ in the world, but do they preach the Gospel and the truth of the Bible or do they mislead parishioners with false doctrines and edicts not found in the Bible? Dr. Gauss is a former Catholic who discovered the truth of the Bible and was set free from the spiritual bondage of the Roman Catholic Church. You can also be set free by knowing the truth taught by Jesus and His Apostles. In this expanded edition, Dr. Gauss explores additional non-biblical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.

This is a must read for both Catholics and non catholics who are interested in learning the truth about what Catholicism teaches and what is actually in the Bible and what Jesus and the apostles taught. It will be shocking to Catholics who don’t read the bible to find out the truth and it will change your entire view of this religion. This book was written to set you free to worship Jesus as Jesus and the apostles taught not to destroy Catholicism. If you want to know the truth then read this book with an open mind. If you are Catholic, you should want to know the truth about what you are being taught so that you can make your own decision on who or what you want to follow. If you know the Bible, it will shock you to learn what the Catholics are being taught. The author was born and raised in the Catholic church and has personal and internal insight to the problems with Catholicism. He has left the Catholic church because he found the truth in the Bible and learned of its direct conflicts with what Jesus and the apostles taught.  5-star Amazon reader

For more details or purchase, click here



Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity (Abridged).   

(Paperback, 415 pp.; )

Amazon Price: $16.95

NO PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023)

The complexities and realities of Islam are often stark and counter to Western societal norms, as well as Judeo-Christian beliefs. This work is not an attempt to demean or denigrate individual Muslims, many whom are seeking a life of safety and peace. It is, however, an effort to alert the Christian community in America and the West to the great challenges and dangers of Islam as an ideology of conquest. Although Islam is an immense challenge, it offers the church in the West, and particularly in America, a great opportunity to reach those in bondage to darkness and expose them to the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.This thorough study on the Messenger, Message and Mission of the Qur’an and the Bible, the key actors, Muhammad and Jesus Christ will provide the reader with a complete understanding of the two divergent ideologies: Islam and Christianity. While this abridged version provides vital information on the world’s two dominant religious ideologies, the text book size Compendium is 180,000 words longer and provides many charts, addendums and additional information of interest for the serious student and church, community, political and educational leaders.

James Gauss’ Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity is a thought provoking and needed resource which brings deep truths into a discussion which continues to be mired by lies and deception.  Challenging the doctrine of Islam from a factual yet loving basis, Gauss exposes how normative and universally taught Islam is directly contrary to the basic teachings of Jesus and his Church.  This book promotes great discussions and offers a significant amount of information which is valuable to students of history and of the truth.  I recommend it for all open-minded and open-hearted people wanting to expand their understanding of these matters.  John D. Guandolo, Former U.S. Marine Officer, Operations Desert Shield/Storm. Former FBI agent & counter-terrorism expert. President  & Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT)

For more details or purchase, click here


Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity (Leaders & Teachers Edition)

Amazon Price $39.95 (full color; paperback)

PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023): $44.95

For a LIMITED TIME, available for $25.06 on Amazon

Dr. Gauss, in this profound study, is upholding the truth of the Gospel, revealing the fallacies of a false religion. His pen is sharp but the imprint of his spirit is marked with compassion and love for a lost people who believe they are worshiping the one true God. I commend Dr. Gauss on writing such an informative book bringing out the darkness that covers every page of the Qur’an and delusions of the Islamic faith. May there be more voices such as Dr. Gauss proclaiming the truth of God with boldness and in the spirit of Christ. And may we witness freedom for millions of Muslims who are bound by a dark and evil force! Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble…. -Pastor Reza Safa (Former Iranian Shi’a Muslim) President, TBN Nejat TV Director, TBN Middle East Author of Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching the World of Islam

Dr. James F. Gauss has worked with and researched the Muslim faith and the Muslin culture in America on a daily basis for over 10 years. Dr. Gauss has 40 years of writing and speaking exerience, as well as numerous radio programs and televsion appearances. He has written hundreds of articles for newspapers, magazines and has published seven Christian books. Dr. Gauss has taught and preached on biblical principles for thirty years.

The Leaders and Teachers Edition is the companion book for the Student Edition.

For more details or purchase, click here.



Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity (Student Edition)

Currently in paperback; hard cover coming in 2023; full color, 552 pp.

Amazon Price $39.95 (full color; paperback)

PRICE CHANGE (June 20, 2023): $44.95

For a LIMITED TIME, available for $25.06 on Amazon

A direct and thorough comparison of the Messenger, Message and Mission of the Qur’an and the Bible.  Over 550 pages of essential information for every college prep and college student.

  • Almost 350 chapter review questions.
  • Section review charts and comparisons.
  • Dozens of maps, charts and tables of information.
  • Full color presentation.
  • “Dig Deeper” challenges for each chapter.
  • Ten Addendums of additional information.
  • Hundreds of references and additional resources.
  • Over 300 key references.
  • One thousand-plus Biblical and Qur’anic citations in bold type for easy reference.
  • Fully indexed.

The only true and honest textbook on Islam available today that is essential for every student heading to college or in college.

Your book is the finest and most thorough analysis I have ever seen of the teachings of the Quran in comparison to the Bible. It is a treasure trove of biblical truth, theological insight, and practical application. 

My granddaughter is using it in her Global Studies class on Islam this very semester. I think a college-level text book version would be very helpful.  Dr. Ed Hindson, Founding Dean | Distinguished Professor of Religion, John W. Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University

For more details or purchase, click here



Understanding Islam in the Light of Christianity—Deceptions and False Gospel

(Paperback, 150 pp.; $9.95)

From Barnes and Noble

The ideology of Islam is rapidly gaining a foothold in every aspect of American life. While Muslims only represent about 1-2 percent of the population in America, their influence is disproportionately seen and felt in America’s politics, educational institutions, justice systems, churches and synagogues, seminaries, small towns and cities. Unfortunately, the real truth about Islam and its objectives in America and the West has been deliberately or ignorantly portrayed in countless false and deceptive narratives that have misled millions of Americans, and Muslims as well, down a dangerous path that could forever change the landscape and foundation of the United States of America. This short book provides an easy-read overview of some of the critical truths about Islam and its ideology that is being hidden from public view. It is a “primer” to the author’s more in depth “Compendium” that everyone who desires to be fully informed about Islam as it compares to Christianity and how to reach the world’s largest unreached people group with the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For more details or purchase, click here



Wall of Separation: Jefferson’s Intention or Judicial Fabrication? 

(Early American History; Constitutional; hard cover and paperback; 112 pp.)

Amazon price: $15.95 (hard), $8.95 (paperback)


Since at least 1947 a fervent debate has raged within political, judicial and religious circles on the issue of “separation of church and state.” The premise is rooted in one phrase used by Thomas Jefferson in his personal correspondence to the Danbury Baptist Church in Connecticut on January 1, 1802. To understand Jefferson’s intent, one must understand his position on religion and personal freedom. Using Jefferson’s own words, “Wall of Separation” investigates this timely and provocative topic that has erroneously changed the course of Christianity as the bedrock of American education and societal morals. This is a second updated and much expanded edition of the author’s first publication on the subject in 2010. Only 112 pages, but packed with irrefutable evidence of Thomas Jefferson’s and the Founding Fathers views on religion in the public square.

For more details or purchase, click here



We the People, Volume I: Laying the Foundation 

(Early American History; pre-Constitutional; hard cover and paperback, 464 pp.)

Tired of American history that has been revised to be politically correct, or reinterpreted to conform to present-day political or philosophical thinking? Weary of reading someone else’s rendition of history when all you want to know is what those who made the history really thought and why they acted as they did? The three volumes of We the People (Laying the Foundation and Birth of a Nation) are a must-have set of unadulterated American history resources for every family library. Each volume is full of historical documents, from the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War and the establishment of the U.S. Constitution.  Each document is presented in its entirety with only a brief introduction to set the historical context and define its history makers. Volume I covers from pre-colonial America to the start of the American Revolution. Volume II takes you through the Revolutionary War and the forming of the unique American Constitution. Don’t just read about history, read what the history-makers thought and wrote. Highly endorsed by national figures as a must read for every American.

Here is a book that literally speaks for itself. Except for occasional excerpts highlighted by the author, this is a scholar’s smorgasbord of the very words—from the Ten Commandments to Patrick Henry’s most famous speech—which have articulated into existence the rights and liberties enjoyed by the Western world today. Valuable historical research that makes for refreshing and inspiring reading.

Dr. D. James Kennedy

For more details or purchase, click here.



We the People, Volume II: Birth of a Nation

(Early American History; Constitutional; hard cover and paperback, 468 pp.)

Tired of American history that has been revised to be politically correct, or reinterpreted to conform to present-day political or philosophical thinking? Weary of reading someone else’s rendition of history when all you want to know is what those who made the history really thought and why they acted as they did? The three volumes of We the People (Laying the Foundation and Birth of a Nation) are a must-have set of unadulterated American history resources for every family library. Each volume is full of historical documents, from the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War and the establishment of the U.S. Constitution.  Each document is presented in its entirety with only a brief introduction to set the historical context and define its history makers. Volume I covers from pre-colonial America to the start of the American Revolution. Volume II takes you through the Revolutionary War and the forming of the unique American Constitution. Don’t just read about history, read what the history-makers thought and wrote. Highly endorsed by national figures as a must read for every American.

“We the People”, compiled and edited by James F. Gauss, Ph.D., is a convenient resource for anyone studying the founding of the United States of America. Here one can find in one reference book those documents which were key to establishing our country’s principles and laws—find them as they were originally penned, not revised to suit present philosophy or political correctness.  Kathleen Carper, President, South Carolina Assn. of Independent Home Schools

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We the People: Birth of a Nation (Second Edition)

(Early American history, U.S. Constitution; paperback and e-book, 640 pp.)

Amazon price: $26.95 (paperback), $7.99 (Kindle)

PRICE DECLINE (June 20, 2023): $22.95

Are you tired of American history that has been revised and sanitized to be politically correct or reinterpreted to conform to present-day political or philosophical thinking? We the People: Birth of a Nation, from A Summary View of the Rights of British America, written by Thomas Jefferson, through the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution to President Washington’s Farewell Address, covers the most important period of America’s history.Learn about the miraculous and providential underpinnings that established America as the most unique nation of free people in the history of the world. Read the actual documents and about their historical significance, as well as the thinking of those Founding Fathers who put them in force for the posterity of all Americans.Each historical document had its place and importance and is presented in its entirety for your review. Each is preceded by an informative historical narrative to help the reader understand the importance and place each document plays in America’s history and form of government.Birth of a Nation provides the reader with unique historical insight like no other American history text. It is an historical heirloom for every American. Read history as it was meant to be read.

For more details or purchase, click here

1 Response to Welcome to my Author-Direct Book Site

  1. Looks like I should have gotten Jim’s autograph before he left Owatonna. Worked with Jim on Habitat and I will say that it was a pleasure to have been associated with him. At the time, I did not realize that Jim was such a talented author. I want to wish a great guy all of the success in the world on his recent publications. Would like to hear some tales of Jim’s local adventures .

    Dick LaLonde

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